Map series index

Our College's map collection is made up of more than 30,000 topographic, cadastral, aeronautical, bathymetric, thematic and tourist maps. The collection has special emphasis on Asia, Australia and the Pacific.

Many of our maps are part of a series.

Map series are made up of several sheets which cover a country or the world. This means that more detail can be shown on a map sheet than is the case when a whole country is portrayed on a single map sheet.

Series maps are catalogued by country and scale. An index of the area covered in each of these categories can be viewed by clicking on the icon in the table below under the ‘Pictorial view' heading. Maps we hold in our collection are marked in each diagram by a coloured triangle.

An explanation of Australian topographic map numbering can be found on the Geoscience Australia website.

All acronyms used in this directory are listed at the bottom of the table.

A | B | C | F | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | Z |

Region Scale Series details Qty Production date Pictorial view
World 1:14 000 000 Series: 1150 US Defence Mapping Agency 3 1980 - 1982 Index (PDF, 221KB)
  1:12 233 000 US Navy Hydrographic 12 1961 Index (PDF, 253KB)
  1:11 000 000 Series: 1142 US Defence Mapping Agency 6 1972 Index (PDF, 219KB)
  1:10 000 000 Carte Generale du Monde 12 1963 - 1968 Index (PDF, 282KB)
  1:10 000 000 Tectonic Map Series of the World 20 1985 Index (PDF, 282KB)
  1:5 000 000 American Geographical Society (AGS aeronautical) 7 1964 Index (PDF, 764KB)
  1:5 000 000 Series: 1106 & 1204 US Army Map Service 13 1949 - 1952 Index (PDF, 779KB)
  1:5 000 000 GNC - Global Navigation and Planning Chart 10 1968 - 2000 Index (PDF, 793KB)
  1:4 000 000 Series: 2957 British GSGS (corresponds with AMS 1202) 17 1931 - 1959 Index (PDF, 789KB)
  1:1 000 000 GSGS 4695 (RAF 1:1,000,000 Aeronautical Chart); GSGS 4622 (WAC R.A.F. 1:1,000,000); ICAO (WAC ICAO 1:1,000,000); RAAF (WAC RAAF 1:1,000,000) 752

1946 - 1980

1947 - 1959
Index (PDF, 977KB)
Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:500 000 Series: Tactical Pilotage Chart (TTC), Topographical Tactical Chart (TPC), Pilotage Chart (PC) 227 1964 - 2000 Index (PDF, 1.2MB)
  1:500 000 Series: T.S.O.500, 1404(GSGS 4830) 44 1957 - 1978 Index (PDF, 699KB)
  1:250 000 Topographic Series: K502, L500, L5010, L506, L509, L552, L594, N501, N504, R6145, T503, T504, T.S.O.400, U502, U542, W543 608 1949 - 1992 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG Series: 1501, 1501AIR 917   Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Antarctica 1:5 000 000 USAF - Aeronautical Planning Charts 6 1954 - 1955 Index (PDF, 449KB)
  1:1 000 000 Series: International Map of the World (IMW) 2 1974 - 1978 Index (PDF, 655KB)
  1:500 000 Series: 401(DOS 710) 3 1959 - 1963 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:500 000 US DOI Geological Survey 8 1956 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 National Mapping Canberra D.O.S BAS 250(P) 31 1962 - 1976 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Asia 1:4 350 000 Series: AMS 1201 12 1943 Index (PDF, 477KB)
  1:1 500 000 Series: AMS 5304 29 1943 Index (PDF, 477KB)
  1:1 250 000 Series: AMS 5308 Southeast Asia Road Map
Series: AMS 1306 East Asia Road Map
1962 - 1964
1968 - 1973
Index (PDF, 477KB)
  1:1 000 000 Series: GSGS 4555 Indochina 3 1945 Index (PDF, 477KB)
  1:400 000 Carte routiere de l'Indochine 24 1945 - 1951 Index (PDF, 412KB)
Australia 1:1 250 000 Australia's Great Desert Tracks 6 2007 - 2009 Index (PDF, 433KB)
  1:1 000 000 World Aeronautical Chart - RAAF/ICAO 83 1955 - 1980 Index (PDF, 583KB)
  1:1 000 000 International Map of the World (IMW) 52 1972 - 1982 Index (PDF, 817KB)
  1:1 000 000 Australian Geographical Series (AGS) 66 1952 - 1962 Index (PDF, 811KB)
  1:250 000 Series: Natmap 250 507 1999 - 2007 Index (PDF, 1.4MB)
  1:250 000 Series: Bathymetric 112 1976 - 1989 Index (PDF, 859KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 57 1976 - 1991 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:100 000 National Topographic Map Series: R611, R621, R641 1642 - 2006 Index (PDF, 1.4MB)
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Botswana 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 14 1968 - 1979 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Brunei 1:500 000 Series: Sarawak No. 8 1 1964 Index (PDF, 481KB)
  1:150 000 Series: Far East Land Forces (FARELF) 3 1962 - 1963 Index (PDF, 1MB)
  1:50 000 Series: T735 6 1962 - 1965 Index (PDF, 956KB)
Cambodia   Various maps can also be found within Asia      
  1:400 000 Carte routiere de l'Indochine 6 1945 - 1951 Index (PDF, 412KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 11 1965 - 1967 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:100 000 Cambodian Government - U.T.M. series 83 2002 Index (PDF, 366KB)
  1:50 000 Series: AMS L7016 18 1971 - 2000 Index (PDF, 366KB)
  Various Geographical and Road Network - Province 24 2010 - 2011 Index (PDF, 371KB)
Caribbean Countries various Barbados, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, St Christopher & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent 39 1955 - 1972 Index (PDF, 603KB)
China 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: U502 24 1954 - 1965 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 205 1966 - 1974 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Cook Islands 1:25 000 NZMS Series: 272/8 13 1983 - 1989 Index (PDF, 274KB)
Fiji 1:500 000 Series: NZMS 242 1 1980 Index (PDF, 401KB)
  1:250 000 Series: X551
Series: X552(DOS 648), Plans 1969
1966 - 1989
1944 - 1959
Index (PDF, 401KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 18 1969 - 1970 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:62 500 Series: X751 17 1943 Index (PDF, 746KB)
  1:50 000 Series: 31 80 1985 - 2004 Index (PDF, 746KB)
  1:50 000 Series: X754
Series: X755
1958 - 1967
1961 - 1962
Index (PDF, 616KB)
French Polynesia          
Society Islands 1:40 000 Institut Geographique National 10 1955 - 1958 Index (PDF, 317KB)
Hong Kong 1:50 000 Series: HM50CL 2 1978 Index (PDF, 367KB)
  1:25 000 Series: L882 2 1970 Index (PDF, 367KB)
  1:20 000 Series: HM20C 16 1975 - 1988 Index (PDF, 420KB)
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India 1:1 000 000 National Atlas of India: Population, Transport and Tourism 10 1959 - 1960 Index (PDF, 457KB)
  1:250 000 Service Geographique D'Etat 147 1965 - 1998 Index (PDF, 1MB)
  1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: U502 234 1953 - 1962 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:126 720 Survey of India 63 1916 - 1936 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:50 000 Service Geographique D'Etat 28 1960 - 1992 Index (PDF, 1MB)
  1:25 000 Service Geographique D'Etat 5 1986 - 1987 Index (PDF, 1MB)
Indonesia 1:250 000 Series: IND250 - Peta Rupabumi Indonesia 114 1993 - 2004 Index (PDF, 1.3MB)
  1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: Indonesia T503, T504 68 1958 - 1967 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 28 1966 - 1972 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
All Islands
Lombok to Timor
1:250 000 Series: T551 Lesser Sunda Islands 21 1943 - 1945 Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
Bali 1:50 000 Series: Hind 1119, T721 and Sunda Islands 33 1924 - 1945 Index (PDF, 1MB)
Java 1:500 000 Series: HIND 648 3 1945 Index (PDF, 917KB)
  1:25 000 Bakosurtanal - Topographic maps 26 1989 Index (PDF, 917KB)
Java, Madura, Bali 1:250 000 Series: T521 20 1944 - 1946 Index (PDF, 1MB)
Kalimantan 1:200 000 Series: HIND 1099, T531, GSGS 4215 53 1943 - 1945 Index (PDF, 1.3MB)
  1:50 000 Peta Rupabumi Indonesia, Western Division Residency, N.E.I. 11 1991 Index (PDF, 1MB)
Maluku Islands 1:300 000 Series: AMS T461 2 1943 Index (PDF, 995KB)
  1:250 000 Series: T521 2 1943 - 1946 Index (PDF, 995KB)
  1:100 000 Series: T662 42 1944 Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
Seram (Ceram) 1:100 000 Series: HIND 642 10 1922 - 1946 Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
Sulawesi (Celebes) 1:200 000 Netherland East Indies Series: T541, Hind 626
Middle Celebes - Kruijt
1942 - 1946
Index (PDF, 407KB)
  1:50 000   384 1991 - 1992 Index (PDF, 535KB)
Sumatra 1:250 000 Series: T511, GSGS 4550, HIND 1042 80 1944 - 1945 Index (PDF, 781KB)
  1:100 000 Series: T618 295 1961 - 1963 Index (PDF, 445KB)
  1:100 000 Series: T612, GSGS 4294, HIND 1060 37 1942 - 1945 Index (PDF, 445KB)
  1:40 000 Series: T711 9 1943 Index (PDF, 250KB)
Sumba (Soemba) 1:100 000   13 1943 - 1945 Index (PDF, 959KB)
Timor 1:100 000 Dutch series 19 1924 - 1944 Index (PDF, 832KB)
Western New Guinea 1:250 000 Series: HIND 644 46 1940 - 1947 Index (PDF, 563KB)
  1:100 000 Nederlands Nieuw Guinea 164 1955 - 1958 Index (PDF, 836KB)
  1:100 000 Papua and West Papua Series: T671 34 1985 Index (PDF, 836KB)
Iraq 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: K502 9 1958 - 1962 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Israel 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 5 1965 - 1972 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
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Japan 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: L506 (limited coverage) 12 1954 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 28   Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:25 000 Series: L084, L872, L874, L875, L891 462 1944 - 1946  
Jordan 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 (limited coverage) 7 1958 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Kiribati 1:50 000 Series: X782(DOS 436), X043(DOS 467P) 2 1984 - 1985 Index (PDF, 1.3MB)
Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands & Line Islands 1:25 000
1:15 000
1:12 500
1:10 000
Series: X042(DOS 367P)
Series: OSD 336P
Series: X844 (DOS 6007)
Series: OSD 367P
1977 - 1982
1995 - 1996

Index (PDF, 110KB)
  1:10 000 Series: OSD 267 2 1995 Index (PDF, 110KB)
Gilbert Islands Tarawa Atoll 1:2 500 Series: DOS 038 18 1971 - 1978 Index (PDF, 110KB)
Korea 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: L552 (limited coverage) 8 1950 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 12 1978 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:50 000 Series: L751 23 1945 - 1951 Index (PDF, 1.4MB)
  1:50 000 Series: L752 49 1973 - 1988 Index (PDF, 979KB)
Laos   Various maps can also be found within Asia      
  1:400 000 Carte routiere de l'Indochine 24 1945 - 1951 Index (PDF, 412KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 20 1954 - 1969 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:200 000 Service Geographique D'Etat 51 1987 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:100 000 Carte de l'Indochine 13 1940 - 1943  
  1:50 000 Series: L7015 18 1965 - 1972 Index (PDF, 970KB)
Lebanon 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: K502 4 1958 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Madagascar 1:100 000 Carte de Madagascar 351 1931 - 1966  
  1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: L5010, T503 21 1964 - 1968 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Malaya 1:500 000 Topographic and Administration 6 1958 and 1967 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  1:25 000 Series: GSGS 4686, HIND 609, L8010, Survey Department, Federation of Malaya 125 1951 - 1967 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  1:253 440 Series: HIND 1076, GSGS 4218 23 1944 - 1954 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  1:253 440 Series: GSGS 4253, Land Use 7 1928 and 1951 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  1:126 720 Kedah & Perlis (Topographic), Negeri Sembilan (Land Use), Perak (Topographic & Land Use), 22 1929 - 1970 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  1:63 360 Series: L7010, Standard Mapping, Geology 105 1955 - 1971 Index (PDF, 636KB)
  Various Soil maps - Malaya, Kelantan, Selangor & Terengganu 4 1959 - 1967 Index (PDF, 636KB)
Sarawak & Sabah 1:500 000 Series: Sarawak No. 8 2 1954 Index (PDF, 481KB)
  1:50 000 Series: T735, D.C.S. 33 42 1950 - 1967 Index (PDF, 1MB)
  1:25 000 Series: T833 29 1964 - 1965 Index (PDF, 481KB)
  1:5 000 DCS Series 31, 31A, 37, 38 Borneo 24 1950 - 1954  
  1:150 000
1:126 720
Series: Far East Land Forces (FARELF)
Series: GSGS 4545
1962 - 1963
Index (PDF, 1MB)
  1:253 440 Series: HIND 1113 7 1946 Index (PDF, 1MB)
Mariana Islands          
  1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: W543 5 1955 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Guam 1:24 000 Series: W844 9 2000 Index (PDF, 401KB)
Marshall Is Various Unknown 27 n.d. Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Mozambique 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 6 1965 - 1979 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Myanmar (Burma) 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: U542 28 1958 - 1967 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 25 1967 - 1995 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  Various State and Divisional maps 13 2001  
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Namibia 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 9 1972 - 1973 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Nepal 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: U502 (limited coverage) 8 1954 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:100 000
1:50 000
1:25 000
Cartographic Institue Freytag-Berndt and Artaria, Vienna 1
1965 - 1978

Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
New Caledonia 1:200 000 Institut Geographique National 5 1965 - 1966 Index (PDF, 562KB)
  1:50 000 Institut Geographique National 38
1954 - 1956
1988 - 1993

Index (PDF, 920KB)
  1:40 000 Tableau D'Assemblage Provisoire 10 unknown Index (PDF, 562KB)
Noumea 1:2 000 Institut Geographique National 13 unknown Index (PDF, 562KB)
New Zealand 1:250 000 Series: NZMS 18 25 1958 - 1972 Index (PDF, 502KB)
  1:25 000 Series: NZMS 2 60 1953 - 1963 Index (PDF, 658KB)
  1:25 000 Series: NZMS 272 - Antipodes I, Bounty Is, Campbell I, Snares Is, Raoul I 5 1978 - 1986 Index (PDF, 117KB)
Nigeria 1:100 000 Federal Surveys, Nigeria (limited coverage) 6 1953 - 1962  
  1:50 000 Northern Nigerian Survey, Federal Surveys, Nigeroia: DOS 430 75 1957 - 1967  
Pakistan 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: U502 53 1954 - 1958 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Papua New Guinea 1:1 000 000 See Australia 1:1 000 000 series' for PNG 1:1 000 000 maps      
  1:500 000 Series: New Guinea - T401, Melanesia X401 32 1942 Index (PDF, 574KB)
  1:500 000 Thematic Map Series 63 1971 - 1987 Index (PDF, 863KB)
  1:250 000 Series: T504, Base Topo 71 1959 - 1968 Index (PDF, 749KB)
  1:250 000 PNG Geological series 34 1968 - 1983 Index (PDF, 720B)
  1:250 000 Series: USAF AAC (aeronautical) 52 1956 - 1958 Index (PDF, 637KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 73 1967 - 1981 Index (PDF, 652KB)
  1:100 000 Series: T601, T683 282 1969 - 1982 Index (PDF, 905KB)
  1:50 000 Series: T702, T784, T795, T796, T797, X713, TPNG001, Vegetation 189 1963 - 1997 Index (PDF, 905KB)
  1:40 000 NMP - Preliminary Detail Plot 4 1959 Index (PDF, 721KB)
  1:25 000 Series: PNG 141, T883, T884 12 1970 - 1974 Index (PDF, 366KB)
  1:25 000 Series: New Guinea 15 1943 - 1944 Index (PDF, 819KB)
  1:253 440 4 Mile to 1 Inch Series

Fourmil Series

1942 - 1947

1956 - 1959
Index (PDF, 366KB)
Index (PDF, 366KB)
  1:63 360 1 Inch to 1 Mile Series
Military Survey
1943 - 1945
Index (PDF, 366KB)
Admiralty Islands 1:25 000 Series: T893 61 1952 Index (PDF, 819KB)
Philippines 1:250 000 PCGS 55 1961 - 1965 Index (PDF, 601KB)
  1:50 000 Series: 711, 733, 752, 33 1961 Index (PDF, 567KB)
Reunion Island 1:50 000 IGN 4 1956 - 1957 Index (PDF, 258KB)
Russia 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 AIR (limited coverage)   1991 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: N504 20 1953 - 1961 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Back to top
Samoa 1:20 000 Series: NZMS 174 54 1976 - 1983 Index (PDF, 361KB)
Solomon Islands 1:500 000 Series: AMS X401 9 1944 Index (PDF, 927KB)
  1:150 000 Series: S006, D.O.S. Repro 5 9 1969 - 1975 Index (PDF, 505KB)
  1:120 000 Series: Cadastral 15 1949 - 1950 Index (PDF, 505KB)
  1:50 000 Series: X715 124 2006 - 2007 Index (PDF, 684KB)
  1:50 000 Series: X713 59 1959 - 1967 Index (PDF, 684KB)
  1:50 000 Series: X711 75 1967 - 1976 Index (PDF, 684KB)
  1:50 000 Sketch maps - D.C.S. (Misc.) 91, X714, X715, D.O.S. Repro 1, 2 & 3 82 1955 - 1968 Index (PDF, 691KB)
Florida Group 1:40 000 Sketch maps - D.C.S. (Misc.) 224A 2 1955 Index (PDF, 296KB)
Vella Lavella Island 1:10 000 Series: NG 001 8 1968 - 1973 Index (PDF, 691KB)
South Africa 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR (limited coverage) 8 1966 - 1969 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Syria 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: K502 23 1956 - 1958 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Taiwan 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 3 1975 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
Thailand 1:250 000 Topographic World 250K Series: L509 40 1954 - 1965 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:50 000 Series: L7017 / L7017S
Series: L7018
1969 - 2000
2000 -
Timor-Leste 1:75 000 District Map Series 13 2009 Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
  1:50 000 Topographic Map Series: T755 32 2005 Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
  1:25 000 Topographic Map Series: GSGS4550 130 1992 - Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
  1:1 000 Digo Photomap Series 22 2000 - Index (PDF, 1.1MB)
Tokelau 1:25 000 Series: NZMS 272 3 1982 - 1984 Index (PDF, 347KB)
Tonga 1:50 000 Kingdom of Tonga 50 000 series 7 2007 Index (PDF, 301KB)
  1:25 000 Series: X872(DOS 337) 23 1975 - 1976 Index (PDF, 335KB)
Tuvalu 1:50 000 Series: X041(DOS 468P), X041(DOS 368P), X041(DOS 238P) 8 1971 - 1980 Index (PDF, 292KB)
Vanuatu 1:500 000 Series: AMS X401 4 1944 Index (PDF, 332KB)
  1:500 000 IGN Archipel des Nouvelles Hebrides 2 1975 Index (PDF, 332KB)
  1:100 000 IGN Archipel des Nouvelles Hebrides 11
1964 - 1968
1978 and 1982
Index (PDF, 325KB)
  1:50 000 Series: X721 62 2007 Index (PDF, 400KB)
  1:50 000 IGN Carte de la Melanesie, [New Hebrides]/ Service topographique (RASC reprint) 18 1960 - 1982 Index (PDF, 307KB)
Vietnam   Various maps can also be found within Asia      
  1:400 000 Carte routiere de l'Indochine 24 1945 - 1951 Index (PDF, 412KB)
  1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501 AIR 13 1967 - 1992 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
  1:100 000 Vietnamese 171 2000 Index (PDF, under 2MB)
  1:100 000 Series: HIND 1000
Series: L605
1953 - 1954
Index (PDF, under 2MB)
  1:100 000 Carte Provisoire du Tonkin
Carte de l'Indochine
1893 - 1943
1904 - 1953
Index (PDF, under 2MB)
  1:50 000

1:25 000
Series: L7014
1965 -1979

Index (PDF, 510KB)
Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 1:250 000 JOG World 250K Series: 1501, 1501 AIR 30 1965 - 1979 Index (PDF, 1.5MB)
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Below is an explanation of the acronyms we have used.

  • AAC Aeronautical Approach Chart
  • AGS Australian Geographical Series
  • AMS Army Map Service US Army
  • APC Aeronautical Planning Charts
  • CAO Civil Aviation Organisation
  • DCS Directorate of Colonial Surveys
  • DNMM Director of National Mapping, Malaysia
  • DOI US Department of Interior
  • DOS Government of the United Kingdom (Directorate of Overseas Surveys)
  • GNC Global Navigation and Planning Chart (USAF)
  • GSGS Geographical Section, General Staff (Great Britain War Office)
  • ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
  • IGN Institut Geographique National (France)
  • JNC Jet Navigation Chart (RAAF)
  • JOG Joint Operations Graphic
  • NAMRIA National Mapping & Resource Information Authority, Philippines
  • NEI Netherland East Indies
  • NMP New Guinea Preliminary Detail Plot
  • NZMS New Zealand Map Service
  • ONC Operational Navigation Chart (USAF)
  • PC Pilotage Chart (USAF)
  • PCGS Philippines Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey
  • PNTMS Philippines National Topographic Map Service
  • PPNM Director of National Mapping, Malaysia (Pengarah Pemetaan Negara Malaysia)
  • RASC Royal Australian Survey Corps
  • RTSD Royal Thai Survey Department
  • TNC RAF Topographic Navigation Chart
  • TPC Tactical Pilotage Chart
  • TPNG Territory of Papua New Guinea
  • TTC Topographic Tactical Chart
  • VDLS Vanuatu Department of Land Surveys
  • VMS Vanuatu Map Series
  • WAC World Aeronautical Chart



Updated:  31 January 2022/Responsible Officer:  CartoGIS Coordinator/Page Contact:  CartoGIS Coordinator