Online map collections
Here are some links to online map collections in Australia and overseas.
Online map collections
- Open Research Repository ANU Asia-Pacific Map Collection (out of copyright map sheets)
- Geoscience Australia - maps, data, multimedia
- Geoscience Australia - 50K map index and download via a spatial platform
- Geoscience Australia - 100K map index and download
- Geoscience Australia - 250K map index and download
- Geoscience Australia - 1M map index and download
- Geoscience Australia interactive national map
- Geoscience Australia interactive topographical map
- Geoscience Australia maps of Australia
- Geoscience Australia printed topographic maps - scales 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:250 000, 1:1 Million
- Scanned geology maps, scale: 1:250 000, from Geoscience Australia
- National Library of Australia
- NSW government and NSW Land Registry Services - Historical Lands Records Viewer
- USGS - USA water resources maps
- University of Texas online maps - Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
- University of Texas online maps - Army Map Service Topographic Map Series
- University of Texas Libraries - map collection guide
- UCB Earth Sciences & Map Library
- Berkeley's collection of 250K JOGs - scanned topographic maps from US Defense Mapping Agency
Historic maps for research and teaching
- Old Maps Online
- David Rumsey Map Collections
- Southeast Asia historical maps
- Osher Map Library (View/Find Maps)
- Rare Atlases Gallery
- NSW LPI parish maps website
- NYPL Map Warper
- Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States, University of Richmond
- Survey of India topographic maps on Zenodo
- Great War mapping project - Western Front Association